New York Office
475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1221
New York, NY 10115
Phone: 1.212.870.2600
Email: info@unitedboard.org

Hong Kong Office
1/F, Chung Chi College Administration Bldg.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories
Hong Kong
Phone: 852.3943.4215
Email: info@unitedboard.org

Chennai Consultancy Office
Riverlands Hostel Building
Women's Christian College
51, College Road
Chennai - 600 006
Phone: +91 44 29819718
Program Contacts
Leadership Development Programs, contact Jakarin Srimoon at jsrimoon@unitedboard.org.
Faculty Development Programs, contact Hope Antone at hantone@unitedboard.org.
For Other Programs (including grant programs), contact the individual responsible for your region.
Giving to the United Board
For information on making a contribution to the United Board, please direct your inquiry to a member of our Development staff in either our New York office (Trudy Loo at tloo@unitedboard.org) or Hong Kong office (Ricky Cheng at rcheng@unitedboard.org).