Donors who wish to contribute for a purpose not listed above should always contact us before making a gift. Contact us in New York at (212) 870-2680 or in Hong Kong at (852) 3943-3948.
Gifts designated for institutions in our network will be remitted within one month when gifts to an institution accumulate to a total of $5,000 or more, within 3 months when gifts accumulate to a total of $1,000 or more, and within 6 months when gifts accumulate to less than $1,000. The United Board monitors the appropriate use of all funds by requiring annual reports from the institutions about how grants received from the United Board, including designated grants, are used.
In compliance with IRS regulations, the United Board can receive contributions for overseas institutions only for approved projects at those schools, not for general expenses.
Donor Recognition
Approved Projects Can Include:
- Capital projects (for specific building campaigns and campus rebuilding efforts in cases of fire, flood, natural disaster, and civil unrest)
- Faculty development support at specific institutions such as for faculty scholarships and training; professorial chairs, merit prizes, etc. (Please specify the exact name of the project)
- Library support (acquisitions, on-line resources, etc.)
- Programs to support Christian presence on campus (campus ministry, chaplaincy programs, etc.)
- Programs that involve building networks and linkages with other institutions
- Service-learning
- Student scholarships
- Support for a particular academic department (e.g., Biology Department)
- Endowments held by institutions and approved by the United Board