From Projects to Partnerships:

The Asian Academy of Campus Ministry (AACM) is an initiative of the United Board to build the capacity of Asian university campuses for fostering spiritual development of their students and to better prepare campus ministers for their ever-evolving role that extends to student well-being and mental health. AACM 2024 was completed in early May and took 29 chaplains, campus ministers, academics and administrators from seven countries to three university campuses in Indonesia to immerse in a multi-faith learning experience. This is the first in a series of three profiles of the notable participants in AACM 2024.
Miss Man Sze Wong, known as Manif to her fellow participants in AACM 2024, is a remarkable individual whose journey from managing peace grants to fostering international collaborations exemplifies the transformative power of community engagement and inter-religious dialogue.
Manif is Coordinator of Student Residence Halls Ministry at the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). Her responsibilities encompass pastoral care and support for international and mainland Chinese students. Her efforts extend beyond mere administrative duties, encompassing the development and execution of various student programs, such as Christian student training, service-learning initiatives, and mission trips. This holistic approach ensures that students receive comprehensive support, nurturing their academic, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Manif had organized an art exhibition as part of a peace project where HKBU students showcased their works inspired by and created during their service-learning activities. Employing artistic media effectively conveyed the abstract concept of peace and underscored the crucial role of creativity in raising awareness and building community connections.
Manif’s involvement with United Board-sponsored programs has been instrumental in her personal and professional growth. She actively participated in the “Cultivating Peace” project from 2020 to 2023 and has been an ardent participant of AACM since 2023. These experiences have endowed her with essential skills and insights, especially in promoting non-judgmental listening and utilizing innovative methods for community engagement.

Her experience in Indonesia further shaped her perspective on cross-cultural connections. The emphasis on interfaith dialogue illuminated the challenges and opportunities of applying cutting-edge concepts and skills in the secular context of Hong Kong. This exposure trip has motivated Manif to enhance inclusivity on campus, engaging diverse student groups and extending outreach to non-Christian individuals. She said, “I hope to nurture mutual understanding and respect through learning with a humble heart.”

Learning traditional Indonesian craft at AACM 2024
Through her friendship with Prof. Chul Chun, dean at Hashin University in South Korea, who is also a participant of AACM, Manif was able to procure the entering into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between HKBU and Hanshin University. This collaboration will pave the way for a peace-building study tour by HKBU students to Seoul in July 2024, providing the students with first-hand insights into Korea’s peace efforts and fostering dialogue between Hong Kong and Korean students. Such an initiative exemplifies how Manif’s work is building bridges and creating meaningful international partnerships.
AACM has profoundly impacted Manif’s and others’ approach to campus ministry. It has broadened their understanding, shifting from a liturgical-oriented model to an action/service-oriented model. To Manif, this shift is particularly significant in the context of the increasingly secularized educational landscape in Hong Kong. This is perhaps what made Manif pursue a Doctor of Global Leadership to continue her journey in exploring Christian presence in higher education.

Manif’s story is a vivid illustration of how initiatives supported by the United Board can foster personal and professional growth, creating more concerned and compassionate change-agents in Christian higher education. In the words of Dr. Pareena Gupta Lawrence, President of the United Board, addressing the participants of AACM 2024, Manif has taken upon the role of those “resilient souls [who] are bridge builders, capable of facing the challenges of tomorrow and bringing diverse communities together.”