Since its founding, the United Board has been blessed by the support of loyal supporters who generously entrusted the United Board with their contributions. Through endowment and the ongoing donations of people like you – friends of the United Board and alumni and friends of the institutions with which we work in Asia – we have been able to provide crucial program support to colleges and universities in Asia for nearly a century.

We invite you to consider a planned gift through your estate to support the United Board’s work and our partner institutions in Asia. The United Board gratefully acknowledges such thoughtful support through The United Board Legacy Society which honors those who have made a future planned gift commitment to the United Board. There are often significant tax benefits with making a planned gift and such gifts can include:

  • A Bequest in a Will
  • Establishing an Endowed Fund to support the United Board and/or a network institution
  • Life insurance policy charitable beneficiary designation
  • IRA charitable beneficiary designation
  • Charitable Remainder or Lead Trust
  • Charitable Gift Annuity

Please consult your financial advisor for more information about how to include the United Board in your estate plans. We would be pleased to help you consider the gift that best suits your planning needs. Please call Trudy Loo, Director of Development, by telephone at (212) 870-2612 or email to learn more.

The United Board is a tax-exempt, charitable 501(c)(3) organization in the United States, and all contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by U.S. law. The United Board is also a registered charity in Hong Kong and gifts made to our Hong Kong Office are tax deductible in Hong Kong. 

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