
The United Board supports the intellectual, ethical, and spiritual development of students and educators through faculty development and promotion of proven strategies for attaining whole person education. Our goals are to equip educators with the philosophy and practice of whole person education; connect teaching and research to the knowledge and needs of the community; help faculty promote a culture of care conducive to spiritual, ethical, and moral development; and enable faculty to become well-qualified in their respective disciplines through scholarship support for advanced degree study.

Our current programs include the Whole Person Education Academy, which provides pedagogical training to faculty; Faculty Scholarship Program, which helps junior faculty obtain advanced degrees in their respective fields of study; and Faculty Enrichment Programs, which offer short-term, non-degree opportunities to enhance educators' capacity.

We also are developing programming that will emphasize integrated scholarship for new and junior faculty; scale up whole person education training through support for additional training hubs; and institutionalize faculty development for whole person education by making it part of the strategic plan of a college or university and ensuring its sustainability.

For more information, contact Dr. Hope Antone, Director, Faculty Development, at

Learn About Our Faculty Development Programs

Whole Person Education Academy

Faculty Scholarship Program

Faculty Enrichment Programs

Interactive Text Link
Webinar Series on Faculty Development

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